Dubai Web Design - An Overview

Dubai web design refers to the process of designing and creating web sites and web pages. There are some people who use this term for describing the creation of the whole website while there are some who make a distinction between website design that will involve the appearance of the site and web coding, referring to the way that it is being constructed.

Backend and Frontend of a Website: What Are These All About?

When you speak of the frontend of a website, this is basically the part which can be seen by the visitors. This can also include the JavaScript and HTML code that is being recognized by majority of the browsers. On the other hand, the backend part of a site is the one that is not visible. It is the part which can be coded in ASP, PHP, Perl or other computer codes and this is the part of the site which can carry out the more complex tasks like checking the form inputs, forwarding emails as well as updating the database.

Cross-Browser Compatible: A Quick Overview

There are many other internet browsers today that you can choose from and each of these browsers is interpreting the code that sites are being built a bit differently. It means that the web page that is being viewed with the use of one browser might be entirely different from the page that is being seen in a different browser. When a certain website is cross-browser compatible, this has been designed to work not only in a single browser. The main goal here is for the website to function and look the same or at least should function well and look good in all of the different browsers.

What Really Makes a Good Dubai Web Design?

A good Dubai web design is one that should first meet all the goals of the site, no matter what these might be. For it to be effective, the design needs to be visually appealing. But, there is actually so much more to a good website design than the simple aesthetics. The best web design has the following characteristics:

  • Helps achieve the goals of the site
  • Comes with a valid code
  • Has a visual appeal
  • Can load fast
  • Is as clear as possible to users
  • Can be accessed by everyone, including the disabled users
  • Has been optimized for search engines.

How to Properly Design the Web Pages

For starters, it is important to adhere to a methodical design process. When you do this, you can be sure that you won half the battle. Correct coding is necessary for increasing the speed in which a page loads as well as for accessibility reasons. When it comes to visual design, it must be based on the principles of site usage, like which part of the page a typical user is going to focus their eyes first and how they might scan through the whole page.

The best Website design Dubai  is one that not only looks good but should also demonstrate all of the attributes that have been detailed above.